本所即日起與知名學習社群LAB SKOOL成為策略合作夥伴 Liu & Partners and LAB SKOOL Strategic Partnership in the Learning
LAB SKOOL(https://main.labskool.com/)由吳鉑源Michael Wu先生於2016年創立,為新興企管學習社群組織,透過INTRO PROGRAM、COACHING WORKSHOP等方式,提供會員專業學習資源及社交平台。目前合作講者包括國立政治大學商學院教授何小台博士、前美國在台協會處長司徒文博士、富邦投信董事長胡德興、Yahoo!亞太區資深副總裁暨董事總經理鄒開蓮等知名業界人士。
LAB SKOOL致力於豐富會員學習層次與資源,因此在今年10月間正式與本所建立策略合作夥伴關係。未來將由本所為LAB SKOOL會員提供會員專屬法律諮詢服務,詳情可參LAB SKOOL臉書粉絲頁或網站。 👉 http://main.labskool.com/legal-advisory/
Founded in 2016 by Mr. Michael Wu, LAB SKOOL (https://main.labskool.com/) is a membership-based professional learning resources and social platform for new and emerging businesses management communities utilizing modes of intro program and coaching workshops. Presently, LAB SKOOL’s speakers include Dr. Chester Ho, Professor of National Chengchi University Business School; Dr. Willian A. Stanton, former Director of American Institute in Taiwan; Mr. Philip Hu, Chairman of Fubon Asset Management; and Ms. Rose Tsou, Senior Vice President and Managing Director of Yahoo! Asia Pacific Region.
In October this year, LAB SKOOL formally established the strategic partnership with Liu & Partners Attorneys-at-Law to further enrich the resources and learning experience available to its valued members. In the future, Liu & Partners will also provide LAB SKOOL members with exclusive legal advisory services. Please refer to the LAB SKOOL Facebook Page or website 👉 http://main.labskool.com/legal-advisory/ for further information.